Sunday, August 12, 2007

Phoenix the Terrible

Well this is Phoenix at the doctors. He decided that he would eat ALL the Tylenol Junior Strength Melt-aways in the bottle they tasted so good. I guess that child proof cap was just to keep me out of the bottles, it doesn't seem to have slowed him down any. We got to the hospital and then had to wait to see if he needed any further treatment FOR 4 HOURS. After 4 hours his blood wasn't toxic enough to keep him so they sent us home. Phoenix was afraid of the bed so he hung out in his stroller. That kid is a little wierd. I am grateful to Tylenol because..... did you know that they pruposefully put few enough pills in thier bottles that if a child gets a hold of the whole bottle and takes it, it won't seriously hurt them!!?? NOw that's cool. Thanks Tylenol.


Christina said...

yeah i know what you mean about child proof bottles. When i tried to get into my pain pills when i broke my arm i could barely open it.


catherine said...

hey maybe if you put broccoli in the tylenol bottles your kids would eat it. I am sooo glad to hear that he is okay.

The Snow Queen said...

I bet phoenix could have gotten the lid off your pain killers!

Anonymous said...

I didn't know that about tylenol. I wish they had did something like that when you were little taking all kinds of pills. LHe looks a little knocked out .

Taylor Swim said...

He looks pretty out of it. Maybe you should consider it again when he is really acting up. Few tylenol and you have a little peace and quiet. Just kidding. (that's Tim's idea everytime our kids won't sleep-- good thing he's not a single parent)

Anonymous said...

Thanks for adding my missionary's address here in Chile