Saturday, October 25, 2008

Aarows? What Aarows?

NOte the Prop 8 banner that Samuel is carrying. I think it just about sums up the climate in California right about now. It's time to rent our shirts and make our stands.
Yes, I know that this is Samuel the Lamanite and he did not rent his shirt, but Capitan MOroni did and he surely would vote YES for Prop 8. I tried to get Dave to "rent" his shirt for me this evening but he was too tired.


Rebecca said...

I love this! So true! Todd has volunteered himself to "take a burrito" while holding a prop 8 sign. I suppose I'm grateful it is not yet arrows he will be dodging!

Sundbergs said...

That is an awesome picture; so true.

Jennie Minor said...

Love the pic!

williamsfam5 said...

I need your address. I am getting Christmas card addresses ready. AND what is your facebook name? I looked for you on there but couldn't sort through all the Melissa Snows. Find me: Emily Hansen Williams.

Shannon said...

Great Picture!

PS you're a goof ball. I checked my blog last night and was surprised to see like 5 new comments, yep, they were all from you. We would love another play day. Fridays are best for us, but we could do a quick one around noon, before naps, most any day.

emlizalmo said...

I love this!