Okay so I have been looking at these pictures for a month now. I haven't really felt like myself since I had the baby.... months ago. This (baby)time has been really hard physically and mentally so I haven't felt very funny. I wanted to wait till I could do this story justice. I can't wait any longer.....
Picture it BYU a "few" years ago (shut up I know that it was more than a "few" but nobody likes a smart-alec) I am a young, vibrant, devastatingly, intelligent, sophomore waiting for my missionary to come home and fulfill my destiny. It is Homecoming Week and all of us are excited about the football game the next day. We have season tickets luckily we got great seats for the game. While laying on my cinder-block stacked bed, listening to Faithfully by JOurney for the gazillionth time, my roomie comes in and says, "Wouldn't it be fun to wear a cape with a giant letter Y on it to the Football Game tomorrow?" HMMMM, I think, the possibilities are endless... face painting, pretend flying, oh what fun. I say "yep I'm in." Then she says that the flags that are flying around campus would be great. Just the right size to do the trick.I think yep she's right. Homecoming Week offered many possible targets. Do you have a sinking feeling in the pit of your stomach? Yeah any normal person would. They would know that where our little pea brains were going that night was not good, NOT GOOD at ALL. But away we went anyway. First we walked around campus and around town looking for the "best" flag to kaiph (k-i-f). The plan was to take a flag have our way with it and then return it the next night. Honestly none of us were going to keep the flag we knew THAT would be stealing. I was dating the Elders Quorum President and in the Relief Society Presidency at the time stealing was out of the question. The one I wanted to borrow was was the GIGANTIC one on the front of the Mazor building, but the girls thought that our sleuthing skilz weren't adequate to acquire that one. So we set our sights on one a little lower. It was on a telephone pole that was next to a tree on University Parkway. The poor flag never knew what hit him.
First we dressed up. Anyone knows that you have to get dressed appropriately. Dark colors so no one could see us in the dark. For later expeditions we progressed to camouflage, but I digress. And we needed equipment. Gloves to climb with and rope. NO rope so we tied some very fashionable belts together. That's me on the far left Bunny, Trixie, Candy, then Cookie. Code names for boys who we didn't want to be able to find us in the BYU directory for various reasons.
Yikes! Melissa You have no fear!:-)
Post the end of the story PRONTO...I think you are amazing and so funny!
You're killin' me smals! Finish it already!!!
OK I am Lissy's brother and i never really gotten the whole story. I defineatly never thought my sister actually scaled the pole. I stand corrected. Chaulk one up for melissa. When she is done i will tell the story about what Mom and Dad said when they were notified of the situation.
Oh, ye of little Faith. Timmy is my younger brother, he would have been a senior at the time and at home with Margene and Dennis. He must have thought that was a Taylor-style tall tale. I think I pulled splinters out of my thighs for a week. Some stories don't need embellishing....
Where was I when you were having all this fun...oh yeah...in the Physics Senior Study Room. Doesn't that sound fun! Well, I never got handcuffed anyway! Can't wait to hear the end of the story.
Ha Ha Ha - the pictures are priceless!
What do you mean this is the story that I heard?
Wow I' am impressed with you skills as a climber, but let me tell you between you and Dave we better all be watching the children for future antics. All in good fun though, right?
And you say there's more to the story...I can't wait.
I didn't know BYU students were capable of being so adventurous. :)
Let's hear the rest of the story!
More from Timmy. What did your parents say? You're too funny.
I have tears rolling down my checks right now from laughing so hard. I would have paid money to see you climbing that! You are hilarious! when are you guys coming to visit us??
You are CRAZY!!! Can't wait to hear the rest of the story!
What fun memories- is it still on your record? :)
We are counting down the minutes to the BYU- u of u game this weekend... Go Cougars!
You're leaving us hanging - Melissa. Did you find out you can't talk about it because the case is still open or something???
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