Monday, March 23, 2009

Today was a big day for me. I went back to work, kinda... You see in another life I was a School Teacher. I taught highschool spanish. Sí hablo español. It seems like forever ago. Really it was only 3 years ago (in September it will be 4). I went to substitute at the same school that I taught at. The Huskies have changed more than I could have imagined. The Principal is new and so are all the Vice Principals. The Foreign Language Dept has changed. Now German is offered. Some of my old friends are there still, but most have moved on to bigger and better things. One is a Principal, one the Activities Director, a couple others Vice Pricipals. I was a little envious that they had taken the next step in their careers... until 9:00am rolled around. All I could think of was Lily. It was her nap time. Would Dave remember? Would he do it right? Did she miss me? Did he know how to put her blanket so she could feel the silky side? Then lunch time came and I knew that Poppy asked for Macaroni and CHeese... was there any in the cupboard? 12:35pm time to pick Miss Willow up from school. Did they remember in time to walk? 2:45 Dance Class. Phoenix gets a little treat while we wait. I missed them all sooo much. I know I sound a little pathetic, don't I. When I arrived home all was well with the munchkins. Dave had taken great care of them. They did ask where I had been, but no one seemed too disgruntled that I had been gone. I go back tomorrow for another day. We'll see how it goes.


Margene said...

Grandpa called and wanted to go to Anza and he would leave me there to baby sit. But Dave was doing judt find.

Brenda said...

Loved your post. Why does everything have to be so complicated?

reesespeanutbuttercups said...

BUT, did he have dinner planned??? He better have...I gave him a few pointers. Call me, I miss my friend and need to talk.

Sadie said...

Good for you...I always enjoy the kiddo's a little more when I have the chance to miss them. I'm sure you'll ease right back into teaching.

catherine said...

so you were a sub today...did you have any spit wads thrown at you? I was also thinking why dis willow get out at 12:45? do you think you want to teach full time next year?

Taylor Swim said...

Congrats on your first day back in the real world. I bet you went the entire day without getting something smeared on your clothes. Now that's something a girl could get use to!

Lorena said...

Wow... Melissa you have described some of my working days! But. it does get better. What time does Willow start school there?
Miss you so much!

utahmominmexico said...

I would have felt exactly the same. Going crazy all day. Probably wouldn't have even had the courage to do it in the first place. I'm so glad it went well. You'll have to teach me some more Spanish.

Erin said...

I'm sure Dave did a GREAT job... but nobody does it like mommy!

Heather said...

Good for you, makes you like and miss the kids when your gone for a little bit!How is the house? Are you all settled in?

Dannette & Mark said...

So the question is...Did you enjoy getting up and dressed like a big girl?

( secretly this is my favorite part of a day at work...other days I feel lucky to shower before school gets out. )

Lucky for you to have a good babysitter...that's the hardest part of working.
( according to me...)

smiths5 said...

THat's so funny, I obsess about all the rituals too, especially the blanket just so when its time to take a nap.

How did you do with all those HS kids? Was it fun?