Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Fun in the Sun

Every year the Lowes and the Cortes family's get a beach house in Oceanside. This year we decided to invite ourselves and I'm glad we did. It was so much fun the place is right on the beach

Demetri the Boogie Boarder

How cute Matt and Emily Lowe riding a wave together.

Matt with his girls

I took a bunch of shells that we had from Mexico to the beach to build a cool sand castle. everybody who walked by wanted to take the shells. It was fun just watching people walk by.

Poor Phoenix the ladies ran the show... Now that I think about it he should just get used to it.


The Snow Queen said...

PS Dave did this post and I think it is so dang funny that he used the word "cute" to describe emily and matt. I think they look like they are having a race down the wave.

Also notice that I am in none of the pictures. Lily decided to get her first cold that day. She cried and I spent most of the time rocking her in the beach house. Poor lily, Poor melissa.

Dannette & Mark said...

Looks like fun! Nice friends to have you along. The pictures a few posts ago of Lily are so adorable. I can't wait to hold her in a week. see you guys then!

Christina said...

It's so strange that someone would feel comfortable enough to ask for shells that someone has. Aren't people funny! Glad you all got away!

Dannette & Mark said...

a comment from Mike & Kim's blog. DeLane is reading New Moon now and Jade will finish Eclipse this week. They have the greateset shirts at university mall in a "Twilight" Kiosk. We are so excited for Breaking Dawn. I am going to order it because I won't be able to get a copy at Barnes & Noble. I'll have to wait until after Cali trip and girls camp to begin reading!

Margene said...

Good next time I go to Mexico I will have shells to replace. Did the people ask where you found those neat shells. Is that Phoenix in the wave just behind Matt and his girls.

The Snow Queen said...

Good eye mom. Yep that's the "boy snow" He spent the whole day in the waves. He found some boys playing in the water and attached himself to them. He didn't even care that they were all 9-10 years old.

Emily said...

That was such a fun day, so glad you guys came out. You got some great pics! We are nothing if we're not cute, glad someone else thinks so too. ;)

See you next year!

Matthew said...

Dave, thanks for posting those pictures. I've already downloaded the "cute" picture... so you can't charge me for it.

It was fun to spend some time with you guys and get to know your kids a little more. I hope this becomes a yearly tradition-- and if so, eventually your kids will wonder how we know them well enough to say things like, "Wow, Willow is getting so tall." or "Poppy is just so sweet." or "Phoenix is just like his dad." or "Last time we saw Lilly she was only..." and "Chrysanthemum looks just like her mom!"

Erin said...

Gosh I love the beach! It just makes for a perfect day!

Sorry about your sick baby... bummer!