Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Lord of the Hemet Flies

Now that I have not died yet. I am going to do another post on my blog. Here's a few tidbits of life. The kids have been running amock for several weeks now while I was trying to die. They think they are orphans. Phoenix has forgotten how to wear a shirt. Poppy goes without panties, and Willow is the queen of the island. They all have sticks that they leave by the front door at night. It reminds me of Lord of the Flies. I hope very much that Lily doesn't become Piggy.


Brenda said...

That is a great blackmail pic for later days!

williamsfam5 said...

I'm glad that you didn't die. I love reading your blog. I'd really miss it if you died.

smiths5 said...

okay, so I'm catching up on my blogging and I just can't stop laughing. So freakin' hilarious, especially the piggie comment!!! I MISS you!!